Joe's Blog

I will be posting updates about my upcomming trip to Washington, DC. I will also be adding pictures. Check back frequently and make sure you bookmark this website.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Saw the Presidents Black Scotty Dog

I woke up this morning at 7 a.m. ate breakfast and got on the subway to the White House. As I was approaching the White House I heard a chopper in the distance. I looked up and it was Marine One, the Presidential chopper. It quickly landed at the South lawn and disappeared behind the trees.

As I waited with the rest of the 830 group we heard the engine fire back up and it took off and roared away. We then proceded really close the the White House where we could see the West Wing and were waiting to go through security ie..metal detector ect..

The secret service guy then told us that was the president taking off becuase his Father George Bush Sr. was getting an aircraft carrier named in his honor and thats where he was off to. It was amazing seeing all the stuff that went on just for the helicopter to land and pick up the President.

Things I observed while waiting by the gate.
1. They had a Fire truck equipped with Foam Suppresant, Ambulance, and a smaller fire engine.
2. They had giant RED circles that they had laid out on the grass so the chopper could help guide itself in to land.
3. They had a black surburban with guys in swat clothing with automatic weapons and all sorts of other plasma guns (not really) strapped to themselves next to the LZ.
4. They made us tourists wait till the chopper took off then we moved closer and thats when I could see the west wing and all this other stuff going on.

So I quickly went through security and off on my self guided tour. That was nice so you could SPONGE all you wanted and go really slow to soak it up. We went throught the East Wing. I looked out the window and saw this little black down standing outside it looking up into the tree at a squirrel. I thought it was fake first, maybe had a camera mounted in it but no it started walking around.

The secret service guy said the dogs name, I forgot already what he said but it wasnt their Main black scotty dog that you see. He said its new and sounded like a female name. ANyway he said they also have a cat.

I walked through the RED, BLUE, and Green room as well as other where they have presidential dinners. It was all decorated with really nice furnature. After that was over I went back to the room and napped for a bit. I am gonna take it easy today and not walk around to much since I have the race tomm. Us boys might go to a movie then I will get some posta for dinner. I will try to take some pics later today walking around. So check back latter tonight.

#1 First pic of me kneeling down I am directly below the Capitol dome in the basement. All thouse pillars sourounding me support the full weight of the pillar. That start marks the center.
#2 This is the room that ALL presidents lay at rest before they are burried. The public can walk through and see them in their coffin. Rosa Parks was the most recent person to lay here says our tour guide.
#3 I am standing in a room (forgot the name) but there were lifesize statues of all these famous people.


At 8:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Favorite Grandson, wish you had been fortunate like my friend to have Barney lick you on the leg. Oh, well. Maybe next time. I'm writing this after reading your last posting after the race. Sounds like you had a good tour. Something you will always remember.
Love, G & G


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