Joe's Blog

I will be posting updates about my upcomming trip to Washington, DC. I will also be adding pictures. Check back frequently and make sure you bookmark this website.

Friday, October 06, 2006

OK....moving to DC

Oh yes folks, that is the beautiful Capitol Mall looking towards the Washington Monument.

I woke up this morning at 8 a.m. and headed to the Metro (subway) and went to the Capitol Building. I found a tiny little mom and pop breakfast place and ate before my 10 a.m. tour appointment.

I arrived at Congressman Radonavich's office to find 2 other Fresno people also going on the tour with me. They were an older couple probably in their 60s. We toured the capital and saw all these old rooms where they had all these famous speeches and laws passed. We sat in the room where the Presidents give there State of the Union Adress. It was really neat.

I then went to the Supreme Court and sat in the room where all the Justices preside over cases. I walked a little on the Mall area but it was raining pretty hard. This picture you see at the top of the screen was duringn that trek. There are cops EVERYWHERE, and a lot of them have automatic assault rifles so you wouldnt want to make a run for it through the restricted zone.

I also went to the Smithsonian Holocaust Museum. The tour was amazing. They had a lot of artifacts and videos, pictures starting with Hitlers rise to power, final solution, and their liberation. It got a little teary at the end watching some of the survivor videos.

I went to the Washington memorial but the tickets were already sold out. I will try to check that out tomm. Tonight before I headed back to the room I went to the White House to do a little recon for my tour tomm to make sure I would go to the right gate. It looked pretty neat all lit up. I waved at President Bush but I dont think he saw me.


At 9:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Favorite Grandson, thought I would check your blog one more time before going to bed and there was your message. Glad you are getting to see all those wonderful historical places. We are a blessed nation even if we are far from being a Christian nation. God Bless America!


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