Joe's Blog

I will be posting updates about my upcomming trip to Washington, DC. I will also be adding pictures. Check back frequently and make sure you bookmark this website.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

ITS A small world

Ok so I arrive safely and get on the subway and head to GWU (George Washington Univ.) I call Brandon the guy I have been in contact with while planning this whole trip and he meets me at the entrance to the subway so we can head back to the apartment together and I wont get lost.

Right when we see each other we both think we have seen each other before. He says what regiment were you in this summer at Warrior Forge. I told him I went a year ago so that guess was shot down.

We keep walking and out of no where I say "Hey, did you go to Robin Sage in North Carolina like 2 yrs ago and he says Salsberry." Ok so to you guys reading this Salsberry doesnt mean much but we had to think of nicknames the whole time we were at Robin Sage and that was my name and he remembered it. We started laughing and couldnt believe we have seen each other agian yet alone I have been in contact with him about staying in DC with him and we have this history 2 years ago. IT WAS WIERD.

Its raining which is weak, and its supposed to rain hard tomm so I will just have to stomp around in the puddles and a umbrella. Tomm I tour the Capitol, and the Supreme Court.

I will then go and pick up my race packet and stuff. Untill next time.


At 3:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you've had a great day and please send some of that rain our way!


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