Joe's Blog

I will be posting updates about my upcomming trip to Washington, DC. I will also be adding pictures. Check back frequently and make sure you bookmark this website.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Denver, CO Airport (layovers are #1)

Hey guys I am sitting in a USO right now at the Denver, CO airport. It is right next to the Presidents Club and the USO is for anyone who is in the Military. They have a game room with x-boxs and flat screen tvs. I am sitting right now in a sweet lazy boy watching the Yankees get spanked on a Plasma tv. They have free food (sandwiches, ice cream, soda, water, candy, pretty much anything you want they have. They have a sleeping room, and computers setup if you dont have a laptop. Its pretty nice. I have seen them at other airports bt have never stopped to check one out before.

I have a 3.5 hr layover here before I head off to DC. It is supposed to rain there for the next 2-3 days which is really weak sauce. Well thats it for now. Keep checking back for posts.


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